A Verse from The Legend of Richard Faulder, Mariner

I laugh'd and sprung in,—soon the smitten waves parted,
And flash'd, as along to my shallop I darted.
The mariners shouted, nor lack'd there the tone
Of tongues which from boyhood to manhood I'd known;
The mariners shouted, nor lack'd they the form
Of friends who with me had braved tempest and storm:
And away went the shallop, with bent sail and rudder,
And the shore gave a groan, and the sea gave a shudder.
We hail'd the clear diamond on green Criffel burning,
That stream'd on our path, like the star of the morning;
And gleaming behind us, shot o'er the wild seas
The Hallowmass torches of bonnie Saint Bees;
The sweet glens of Cumberland lessen'd,—and colder
The moonbeam became, and the wind waken'd bolder;
And the sable flood roar'd, while along the rude furrow
The slender bark flew, with the flight of an arrow.

