The Corriehill Dragon

Dragon's Well

About 10 chains East of Corriehill

A name given to a Well on the farm of Corriehill. By the tradition of the district it is stated that a dragon inhabited the Churchyard of Corrie, and committed great havoc among the flocks, and several people had made hair breadth escapes; several attempts were of course made to kill it but without effect, because whenever it was attacked it ran to this Well and drank some water after which it had the power of vomiting fire: A man of the name of Johnstone at last volunteered to kill it, and having tied his horse to the gate he went and put his coat over the well; and when he came back he found the Dragon had devoured half of the horse, it then ran to the Well to get its usual drink, but the Well being covered, it was not able to vomit any fire so it vomited flesh and that not being so dangerous as the devouring element, the dragon was at last killed, quartered and buried at Cockplay Warlock Knowe, Mill Knowe, and Jane's Knowe.

