
Lang years hae passed since Januar’s win’
Brocht hansel wi’ oor Robin in,
An noo a bright, bright star abune
Is Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.
The Muse her mantle roon’ him threw
Tae sing her praises at the ploo,
An’ Nature’s croon adorned the broo
O’ Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.
There’s no an airt the win’ can blaw
But there you’ll find, in cot and ha’,
The dearest name tae ane an’ a’
Is Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.
Where’er the Scottish sang is sung
Where’er is heard the Scottish tongue
There’s loyal praise frae auld and young
For Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.
An’ when the winter had begun,
In ilka stead there wis some fun,
An’ mony a braw lass wooed an’ won
Ower some wee lilt by Rabbie.
An’ when drawing near to Halloween,
When they were pu’in’ stalks at e’en,
An’ dancin’ reels wi’ mony a quean,
As done by Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.
That Nature’s Poet of days of yore
That brought love and mirth tae ilka door.
An’ left memories dear
O’ Scotland’s Bard—oor Rabbie.