Gallowa' Frae En' to En'.

There scarce could come frae anither airt
Mair welcome freens to oor humble ha’;
Nor better played is friendship’s pairt
Than amang the folks o’ Gallowa’!
Welcome ever to heart and house,
Her maidens fair, an’ her faithfu’ men;
An’ oor crack an’ toast as we grow crouse,
Bonnie Gallowa’, frae en’ to en’!
Her hills an’ vales to her born ain
Can never be oucht but fair an’ braw;
Nor finds Romance a richer vein
Than amang the wilds o’ Gallowa’;
Her abbeys, castles, moats, an’ cairns,
That witness bears o’ her sturdy train,
Are sacred heirlooms to the bairns
O’ Gallowa’ frae en’ to en’!
O bring frae her hills some sillery bent,
An’ heather an’ ling in purple blaw,
Bogmyrtle fraught wi’ a spicey scent,
An’ the muirlan’ breath o’ Gallowa’!
The mountain thyme, and the woodbine sweet,
An’ harebells dear to the fairy ken,
Wild roses ruddy, wi’ charm replete,
O’ Gallowa’ frae en’ to en’!
Forget-me-nots frae King Baliol’s holm,
And ivy trails frae his castle wa’,
And heartsease dusk as th’ witchin’ gloam,
Sae dear to the loves o’ Gallowa’.
An’ reed an’ rush frae th’ lilied loch,
Or th’ banks o’ Dee, or Urr, or Ken,
They’ll bring to our hearts a pleasant sough
O’ Gallowa’ frae en’ to en’!
O sing o’ her graces here at hame,
An’ sing o’ her worth ower th’ warl’ a’;
And heaven prosper the honour and fame
An’ the love an’ the life o’ Gallowa’!
An’ on thro’ the ages yet to come
Her folk will her faith an’ truth defen’;
An’ this be her toast abroad an’ at home,
Bonnie Gallowa’, frae en’ to en’!