The Galloway Exile’s Dream.

I dreamt yestreen o’ bracken’d braes
An’ scented glens in gowden shaw;
While sleepin’ soon’, ’neath South’rn moon
Far frae the muirs o’ Gallowa’.
I heard the whaup’s wild eerie wail,
I saw the mist ower Cairnsmore fa’;
O! for an hour by yon grey tower
Amang the muirs o’ Gallowa’.
I lilted ower and ower again
The sangs we aye liked best o’ a’,
Sweet “Mary’s Dream,” the sad refrain,
Link’d weel wi’ dreams o’ Gallowa’.
An’ it may be, that my auld e’en
May never look on Threave’s grey wa’,
Nor clim’ again in lichtsome vein
The heath-wrapp’d hills o’ Gallowa’.
Sae I will dream o’ bye-gane days,
An’ yon green graves ahin’ the wa’
O holy Anwoth; where the bays
Wave ower my kin’ in Gallowa’!